
An important part of our church’s mission statement is the concept of family. In Christ, we are united through his love and grace as brothers and sisters. We feel it is important to nurture and strengthen the relationships that Christ has created as well as create opportunities for new relationships to be formed.
From September until May, our church provides a Fellowship Meal every Sunday night at 5 PM (except on holidays). The food is good, the price is right, but the fellowship around the table is what makes this a wonderful opportunity that should not be missed. First-time guests get to eat free!


Our children’s ministry is designed to share the good news of God’s love with children of all ages in a way that is not only fun but considerate of a child’s methods of learning. The core of our children’s ministry is our Sunday evening programming, M&M’s. This is a program of music and missions education that helps children build relationships with one another and with God.
Vacation Bible School is always one of the highlights of the summer for our children and for the adult volunteers who make VBS possible.


Our youth ministry provides teenagers in our community the opportunity to grow into the men and women God is calling them to be through opportunities of fellowship, worship, discipleship, and service. Parents and youth are invited to work together to organize various aspects of the overall youth ministry, providing invaluable leadership training. Dr. David Durham and a committed group of volunteers provide excellent leadership and great role models for our young men and women to learn from.

Senior Adult

Our Senior Adult ministry team seeks to provide opportunities for fellowship and spiritual formation for all senior adults within our church and within our community. Our Senior Adults enjoy getting together in fellowship and traveling around the state.  Join the group as they meet at local restaurants monthly or travel to destinations like Lexington, Shatley Springs, or Raleigh during their Fun and Fellowship Trips.


Music has long been an important part of Christian worship. At First Baptist Elon, we seek to make space for all kinds of musical gifts and talents. We also take seriously the opportunity and responsibility to teach willing learners musical knowledge and skills.
Elements of our music ministry include adult choir, children’s choir, preschool choir, handbells, men’s quartet, and a variety of instrumental opportunities.


Worship is a key part of our ministry here at First Baptist, as indicated by our mission statement. Over and over again, guests in our worship service describe our blended style of worship as “real” or “authentic”. We incorporate many different elements and tools in order to develop unique and meaningful worship services each week.
Our Worship Team is constantly searching for new ways to incorporate the laity into the worship life of the church. Please feel free to contact any of the members of the Worship Team to see how you might contribute to our worship life.


As our mission statement says, our church seeks to reach out to our community and our world with the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We support missionaries around the world and missions right here in our community through our financial giving. More importantly, we seek to provide numerous opportunities for all of our membership to serve others directly through a variety of mission projects.

Sunday School

First Baptist Church of Elon offers several classes to choose from that will help anyone grow on their journey to learn more about the Bible. Click here to see what we have to offer with a description of each class.