The nursery provides a loving and safe opportunity for babies and toddlers to play together during the Sunday school hour.
Pre-K – 5th Grade
Pre-K to 5th grade Sunday school class learn more about God and the Bible through study, projects, DVDs, and fun.
Emerge (Youth: 6th – 12th grade)
The First Baptist Church of Elon youth is dedicated to individual spiritual growth in Christ as a group united through learning, missions, and fun. Our youth ministry provides teenagers in our community the opportunity to grow into the men and women God is calling them to be through opportunities of fellowship, worship, discipleship, and service.
New Beginnings – Location: Fellowship Hall
The New Beginnings Sunday School Class is a nontraditional class with members of all ages (the 20s to 90s), couples, and singles. We choose books or small group studies to cover in our class and the format is primarily discussion-based. Many of our members teach children’s classes every other month so there is plenty of flexibility in the class each week. Some of the studies that we have enjoyed include “Old Testament from the Backside”, “Proverbs: God’s Answers to Today’s Problems”, “Jeremiah and Lamentations”, “Christmas from the Backside”, and “Yes, Lord, I Have Sinned But I Have Several Excellent Excuses.” We undertake different outreach projects throughout the year. We gather for class between 9:45 and 10:00 in the church fellowship hall every Sunday morning. Please join us.
Truth Seekers
The Truth Seekers is a class of men and women seeking God’s truths through Bible study with an emphasis on application in our daily lives. Co-teachers alternate the leading of each week’s Bible study and group discussion. Class members also readily work together, meeting the needs that arise in the church and community. All are welcome!
Through bible study and sharing God’s word, our mission is to share Christ with others by visitation and prayer. Not only telling them we love them, but by showing them, love. Our class is involved with meals on wheels, and we also work with the Celestial class on other projects.
We are a group of loving, caring, mission-oriented prayer warrior women. As literature for our Sunday school class, we use Smyth and Helwys Adult Formations material. We use a varied teaching style using in-depth attention to the scripture passages incorporating contemporary stories, examples, and illustrations. There is also the encouragement of class discussion to bring knowledge, personal experience, and deep reflection to help adult women find the relevant connections between their lives and the biblical message. The truths we discover help us recognize how God is calling us toward change, renewal, commitment, or action. We also do outreach by helping at the homeless shelter and nursing homes. We also do a Christmas needs project each year.